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NOTR - Sweden, Islam & America - 10.26.16


Chris discusses the current situation in Sweden, an historically Christian country that is said to be in the process of being destroyed by the effects of massive Islamic immigration.  The Swedish police have recently admitted that they have lost control of more than 55 "go no" zones taken over by criminal migrants.  Sweden has become known as the "rape capital of the world," and has been called a "war zone."  Is this what Hillary Clinton has in mind for America's future? 

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Reader Comments (3)

I remember talking to my younger sister years ago while she was still in college. I was talking about the good that missionaries were doing and she said it was bad for them to topple other cultures. I asked if she thought those cultures were good when they did child sacrifices, cannibalism, etc. She replied that it was "hard to say" because we didn't grow up in that culture. Fortunately she's come around since then...

October 26, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHenry Thrun

Hi Chris, always enjoy your programs. I would like to believe all of this defection from the faith and the Gospel and the blending of all religions and the Political Correctness we see all over the world is going to be turned around. But at this late date I don't see how! The Gospel has reached most of the world and the truth is. . . KNOWN. . . but "When they knew God they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." Rom. 1:21 It seems we are in the great falling away which 11 Thess talks about. With all the lawlessness in the world and the influx of Muslims which will only bring more lawlessness, the man of sin is right around the corner. I also believe the time of trouble Jesus talks about in Matthew 24 is also on the way. There have been many Anti-Christs but there will be one who will outdo them all. I believe the time is near.

October 27, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLT

You are right Chris, more than 90% of Europeans are atheists in our days.
This is due to a successful Counter Reformation there.
Education makes all children into Atheists, enforced by much media.
Muslims pray more often than atheists, so they are winning this war against civilization with ease.

October 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGeuz

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